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Thank you for attending the webinar event, Re-envisioning Schools for Social Justice​!

Re-envisioning Schools & Social Justice Education


Wednesday 9/9/20 from 3:30-5:30PM (PST) [REGISTER]


Who: Primarily for school principals, directors, educators and those working in education adjacent settings.


What: This webinar shares models for social justice education in school settings (K-12), specifically around anti-racism. At this critical juncture in our nation's history, we have the opportunity to re-envision what our educational systems look like, and a duty to abolish systemic racism in our school structures and practices. Social justice education goes beyond implementing a few tokenized lessons on racism--learn about models for social justice education and how your school can work toward racial justice.


Cost: Free

Brought to you by Schools for Social Justice and Positive Discipline Community Resources




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