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Stephanie Tam Rosas is an equity consultant for Schools for Social Justice. Her work is informed through her experiences as a bi-racial (half Chinese, half White) woman, as a mother to her son born in 2019, and through her ongoing reflexive practice. 

She is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (#116439) and has primarily offered school-based counseling since 2014. She currently studies educational equity, systems of power, and youth engagement through a doctoral program in social psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. 


​Recent projects have examined:


  • institutional barriers for working class/working poor Latinx parents' engagement in elementary schools

  • empowering settings and Positive Discipline within a 4th and 5th grade afterschool program

  • access and support for historically underrepresented students in higher education

  • reconstructing narratives for Latinx immigrant and first generation students through youth Participatory Action Research

As a certified Positive Discipline Parent and Classroom Educator, she facilitates workshops for families and schools on power sharing practices and respectful relationship building with youth. Previous work has included serving as: board president of Positive Discipline Community Resources, a family literacy program coordinator at an ECE center, and a counselor at a continuation high school. She has also been humbled in working with and learning from those experiencing domestic violence, undocumented folks, un-housed folks, foster youth, and teen parents. 


Learn more here:



BA in Sociology with Honors 
from the University of California, Santa Cruz 

MA in Counseling Psychology with a Specialization in Creative Expression
from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now called Sofia University)


Currently in a PhD Social Psychology program at UC Santa Cruz 

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