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Re-envisioning Schools & Social Justice Education


***This event has been postponed TBD***

-> truncated videos of this webinar can be found here


Who: Primarily for school principals, directors, educators and those working in education adjacent settings.


What: This webinar shares models for social justice education in school settings (K-12), specifically around anti-racism. At this critical juncture in our nation's history, we have the opportunity to re-envision what our educational systems look like, and a duty to abolish systemic racism in our school structures and practices. Social justice education goes beyond implementing a few tokenized lessons on racism--learn about models for social justice education and how your school can work toward racial justice.


Cost: Free

Brought to you by Schools for Social Justice and Positive Discipline Community Resources





​Breaking White Silence: Interactive Series

Who: This webinar is primarily for White folks (but also for POC who are not Black or Indigenous), interested in understanding, owning, and responding to their privilege.


What: This series provides ongoing learning, support, and interactive activities to engage in your personal reflexive work around anti-racism. Examine your “blind spots” and learn how to use your privilege to create social change instead of enacting harm. 

*This webinar is hosted on Zoom and is not recorded



Talking to Kids About Racism: Interactive Series​

Who: This webinar is primarily for White folks (but also for POC who are not Black or Indigenous), interested in understanding, owning, and responding to their privilege.


What: This series provides ongoing learning, support, and interactive activities for parents and educators as they talk to kids about race and racism. Share successes, work through possible missteps, and get support in engaging youth in this ongoing dialogue. 




Breaking White Silence: What, Why & How

Who: This webinar is primarily for White folks (but also for POC who are not Black or Indigenous), interested in understanding, owning, and responding to their privilege.


What: The Black Lives Matter movement has been calling on us to take responsibility for our part in perpetuating systemic racism and White supremacy culture. For many White folks, these are big concepts that don't often get brought into everyday conversation, leaving people with questions, silence, and often times, inaction. One of the ways we are complicit in furthering oppression is through White silence. Let's take concrete steps to breaking White silence and have some uncomfortable conversations about race and racism together. This webinar is a space to ask the questions you're pondering but are worried you'll get called out for. Let's talk about it!

*This webinar was not recorded but a similar version will be posted soon. Sign up here 



How to Talk to Children About Race & Racism​

Who: This webinar is primarily for White folks, but also for non-BIPOC (People of Color who are not Black or Indigenous), interested in understanding, owning, and responding to their privilege.


What: Part of anti-racist work involves examining our own relationship with race and privilege, as well as helping the next generation do the same. Even if you've attempted these conversations with children, it can be difficult to feel  comfortable navigating the pain, hurt, and for some, shame, that often accompanies talks about race and racism. Learn how to engage these emotions while still engaging kids. We will examine what these conversations might look like at different ages, especially with younger children.

*This webinar was not recorded but a similar version will be posted soon. Sign up here 



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